Monday, August 15, 2016


Sometimes you find yourself in a situation whereby a long-distance relationship is a must for you. But the question, will it work?

I have been in two long-distance relationships and one that I currently have. I loved being in them but they had their own hurdles that were somewhat difficult to handle.

The relationship I have now is with a guy named Tyler. Tyler is great in all ways and we connect on many levels. He is such a catch that I had to ask him why he could not find himself a beautiful guy back in Seattle. When I asked him that question, I reckoned that the same applied to me. Why couldn't I find a relationship in my hometown?

The hurdle we are facing  now is the fact that we have decided to come to terms with the fact that we may open our relationship. And that is because we are sure that we won't physically meet each other until 4 years. 

The problem that I am facing now is, should I give up on that relationship? If it were you, what would you have done?

Sunday, August 14, 2016


I have spent so much time thinking of that. When we think of our HIV status...does that scare the shit out of us. I mean that is something that I dread a lot about personally.

I spent many times searching the web about the early symptoms of an HIV positive individual whilst I could go to the nearest Health Centre and know my status.

The reason for this worry for I personally is that I do believe I might have had an encounter that may have had HIV and it freaks the hell out of me to just think so. I am scared of that fact and am at a point whereby am thinking that worrying won't be doing me any good.

Now I'd like to ask you guys if you feel the paranoia as I do. Do you think it's something that should be taken lightly with the attitude of 'one pill per day and everything just goes fine?' Or rather should it be something that we should dread.

But speaking of dreading, Should we dread of it that we should be scared of living?

I had a friend who dreaded HIV and was so cautious of it, but interestingly he ended up dying of UTI and stomach fever. And the funny thing is he never had HIV.

Another thing I thought of, is HIV some sort of Biotic weapon meant to reduce the population of the undisciplined people? I know that sounds like a conspiracy theory but it's still being thought of by various people.

Speaking of HIV in Africa, it is killing us every year since the population of Africans aren't aware of the fact that HIV is actually real and it actually kills.

Do you think that the already available methods of preventing AIDS are very useful? I mean let's just think about it, WHO USES CONDOMS RELIGIOUSLY!  I am saying that maybe people use condoms but to some extent, they tend to slip up at least once and again.And we all know that it takes only one slip up to contract the disease.

So whatever it is about HIV. What do you think of the questions I posed? Hope to hear from you.

Saturday, August 13, 2016


Is it right to hustle people or is it not? For some time now, that has been occupying my thoughts. I have to admit that although I don't advocate hustling people, I have to admit many people I know do just that. 

Before I go further I need to let on what I mean by saying, 'hustling people'. By hustling people, I just mean dating people just for their money. I mean being interested in the money rather than the owner of the money.

Recently I have had opportunities whereby I could have and still could hustle people, but at all time I always shy out of it. I need to admit that to some extent I feel that it is not right. So I had to survey a few people to have their input onto how they feel about dating people for their money AKA hustling people. And I should add that these people are both Homosexual and Hetero, Boys and Girls.

'' For  me, I believe that hustling people is the only way to ensure that they don't make a full out of you. I have a notion that boys only want love if it's torture and I take it upon myself to provide that torture for them.''

Just to add up, Cindy is my best friend and she has had some bad relationship at once. And she thought that the reason why she was always made a fool out was because she was always the ideal wife material to the guys she dated. Recently, she is dating this guy Conrad and the way she treats him...whoo! it's some sort of loving-hating relationship. Is it the reason why this is the longest relationship Cindy ever had? Is it the fact that Cindy is inflicting pain onto Conrad by hustling him that makes Conrad stay?

''I totally believe that when the person you are in a relationship provides for you financially shows exactly how much he loves you. For me, if a guy is rich and becomes stingy and doesn't give me the money that is a red flag that I am dating a selfish man. And if he can be selfish with money, which he has a lot of, it makes me believe that he can be so selfish with his heart...For fuck's sake! He only has one heart!!''

Jerry is also my close friend and he is a gay man dating this rich guy who earns a steady income. Jerry is studying to be an accountant someday and that is his outlet onto the matter . 

To finalize, I think hustling people is a dirty business....  but also I can't help but think that maybe it is the spice that is needed in relationships. Why that verdict? Because both Jerry's and Cindy's relationships are going strong.

What do you think on the matter?!?